Protocol Tracking Reports: Dashboard

Disease Committee:  

  On Schedule     Current Segment Started Late     Missed Milestone
Cancer Care Delivery
A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of an Intervention to Promote Guideline-Concordant Colorectal Cancer Surveillance
Capsule Summary Approval Date:  
Drop Dead Date: 06/12/2025 

Current Status:
2/13/25: Submission accepted by DCP PIO. Next step is DCP approval on Hold and CIRB review.
2/10/25: Response to DCP consensus Review submitted.
2/3/25: Working response to consensus Review. Finalizing documents for submission to DCP.
12/5/24: Consensus Review received. Deadline for response and submission of updated documents is 2/10/25.
10/30/24: Protocol submitted to DCP. Target deadline is 4/23/25. Absolute Deadline is 6/12/25.
10/9/24: Protocol and documents to be reviewed by Stat Center PRC. Protocol due on 10/30/24.
9/23/24: Had Rapid #2.
9/6/24: Had Rapid #1.
8/5/24: Follow-up notes from F&F distributed.
8/1/24: Had F&F call. NOA grant start date is 8/1/24.
7/2/24: Sending out poll to schedule study team call and F&F call. Date for Rapid is pending.
7/1/24: Awaiting stat input of Sections 6, 10 and 11 of protocol.
6/11/24: Study chairs updated protocol template. Shared with study team.
5/31/24: Kate Castro hosted "Planning for R01 using NCORP Network" call. Protocol development timeline sent to study team. Protocol template sent to study chairs.
5/24/24: Feedback from PRO Core Team provided.
5/14/24: PRO measures table and CanCORS survivor survey was reviewed by the PROCore Team.
5/6/24: As this study scored in the 6th percentile, it will likely be funded. Kate Castro confirmed that Notice of Award would likely be sent in July 2024. PROs will be reviewed by PROCore Team later this month. Had "Next Steps" call with study team. Sent examples of SWOG protocols to Study Chairs. We will work off of the assumption that the protocol will be submitted in October 2024. F&F call and Rapid call to be scheduled soon to get dates secured on the calendar.
2/22/24: Per Dr. Vennstra, application is scheduled for study section on March 21, 2024.
10/5/23: Per Dr. Veenstra, the R01 was submitted.
Algorithm-Enabled Patients Activated in Cancer Care through Teams (A-PACT) to Improve Goals of Care Communication for People with Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Capsule Summary Approval Date:  
Drop Dead Date: 11/12/2025 

Current Status:
3/21/25: Working toward 3/26/25 PRC.
2/19/25: NOA received. Grant start date is 3/1/25. New target activation date is 11/21/25. Absolute deadline is 1/10/26.
2/14/25: Post-rapid protocol and MCF circulated to study team for comments. Due 2/21/25.
1/31/25: Rapid call completed. Working on updates. NOA has not been received.
1/7/25: Trying to set the Rapid date for 1/31/25. Awaiting confirmation from Statisticians.
12/16/24: Kate Castro hosted R01 call. New grant start date will be 1/1/25. OEWG deadline has been updated. Target deadline is 9/23/25. Absolute deadline is 11/12/25.
12/13/24: Goal is to get the pre-RAPID study draft to the team prior to the holidays.
12/3/24: Received first draft of protocol and MCF. Asked Dr. Parikh to forward NOA document.
11/5/24: Drafting timeline. Drafting Study Assumptions Worksheet. Setting up poll for biweekly study team calls. Need to do: schedule risk assessment with Dana and set up F&F call, Start working on "Study Descriptions to facilitate PRO Permissions" spreadsheet.
10/29/24: Study chairs received their Just in Time request. Grant start date will likely be 12/1/24. (if grant start date is 12/1/24, looking at target activation of August 2025, and absolute deadline of October 2025.
9/9/24: Sent protocol template to study chairs.
8/1/24: Dr. Parikh hosted R01 check in. Went over next steps. Awaiting estimate for NOA (grant start date). Dr. Castro to host R01 expectations call in October.
6/28/24: Dr. Parikh received notification that the R01 scored in the 4th percentile therefore likely will be funded. We will await the funding decision but need to get started on next steps planning.
2/5/24: R01 submitted.
1/22/24: Approved by Triage.
11/14/23: PRO measures reviewed by PROCore Team. Recommendations distributed to study chairs on 11/15/23.
A Phase 2 Study Investigating Safety and Efficacy of Trastuzumab Deruxtecan (DS8201/T-DXd) and ATR Inhibitor, Ceralasertib (AZD6738) in Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) Positive Advanced Solid Tumors.
Capsule Summary Approval Date:  

Current Status:
03/04/25: The concept is under CTEP Steering Committee Review.
02/04/25: Pending Triage FYI submission and CTEP Steering Committee Submission.
01/07/25: Pending Triage FYI submission and CTEP Steering Committee Submission.
12/06/24: Approved by the ComboMATCH Steering Committee. Pending Triage FYI submission and CTEP Steering Committee Submission.
Early Therapeutics & Rare Cancers
A Randomized Phase II Study of Temozolomide in Combination with Atezolizumab (Tem-Atezo) versus Temozolomide Alone in Adults with Advanced Bronchopulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 01/29/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 12/20/2024 
Target Date: 11/21/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 08/18/2026 
Progress: 15 of 270 days

Current Status:
3/4/25: NCI GISC reviewed capsule on 2/24/25 monthly meeting pending response letter. .
2/4/25: NCI Gastrointestinal Steering Committee (GISC) cancelled 1/27/25 call, pending reschedule date
1/7/25: 1/27/25 concept is scheduled to be reviewed by the NCI Gastrointestinal Steering Committee (GISC).
12/19/24: Concept was submitted to CTEP
12/03/24: The Concept draft was reviewed by SWOG Ops late last month where several questions were identified for the study team to address. Concept submission timing to CTEP is still pending Committee Leadership prioritization.

11/05/24: Concept draft was finalized and approved by the ETxRC Committee Leadership in late October. Currently awaiting submission to CTEP PIO once an open slot is available in the ETxRC Committee priority list as there are currently 3/3 studies on an OEWG timeline.

10/01/24: The NCI Neuroendocrine Taskforce Review was held last month (09/05) and the Concept received favorable remarks. Dr. Sukrithan is taking the NCI Taskforce Review comments to make additional revisions to the Concept prior to it being ready for CTEP submission.

09/03/24: Dr. Sukrithan presented the Concept draft to the Community Advocacy Committee earlier this morning and received their constructive feedback and overall approval of the study design. The NCI Neuroendocrine Taskforce will review the Concept draft on Thursday (09/05) for their feedback ahead of CTEP submission. Dr. Sukrithan was not successful in achieving industry funding support for the streck tubes for the liquid biopsy collection so he has determined that his institution (OSU) will cover the costs. Next steps will be to work with ETxRC Committee Leaderships to determine the timing of the Concept submission to CTEP.

08/06/24: Dr. Sukrithan will present the current draft Concept to the NCI Neuroendocrine Taskforce on 09/05 for their review ahead of CTEP submission. Dr. Sukrithan continues to seek funding for the streck tubes for the liquid biopsy collection, including outreach to Natera and Tempus as potential collaborators based on the feedback received from the GI Net Subcommittee review meeting last month. Timeline for CTEP submission will be determined with committee leadership following the Neuroendocrine Taskforce review of the Concept.

07/02/24: The study team continue to address post-F&F action items and will present the draft concept to the GI NET Subcommittee on 07/11.

06/04/24: The study team is addressing the post-F&F action items, including the following:
(1) Streck tube funding discussion with Genentech
(2) Gauging PRO interest/feasibility with the NCI
(3) Concept review by NGI NET Subcommittee

05/07/24: Risk Assessment was held on April 30th and the F&F Review will take place this Friday, May 10th.

02/06/24: The Capsule has been approved by Triage.
Phase III Randomized Study Testing Non-Inferiority of Shorter-Course Radiation Versus Standard Fractionation for High-Risk, Resectable Sarcoma
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 11/06/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 02/12/2025 

Current Status:
3/4/25: Concept was submitted to CTEP 2/12/25
2/4/25: Pending executive officer approval to submit concept to CTEP
11/6/24: Triage approved capsule
A Randomized Phase II Study of Amivantamab versus Cetuximab in Immunocompromised Patients with Recurrent Inoperable or Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 02/08/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 06/27/2024 
Target Date: 01/12/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 10/09/2025 
Progress: 238 of 180 days

Current Status:
2/8/24: Triage approved capsule.
F & F call- Tentatively scheduled for 3/13/24
5/16/2024: concept submitted for CTEP review
7/16/2024: CTEP concept review received
7/17/2024: teleconference with study team to discuss response. Goal to have response and updated concept within one week
8/7/2024: responses and updated concept submitted to CTEP
9/6/2024: received CTEP approval on hold with comments
9/23/2024: protocol working draft circulated to Study Chairs and SDMC
9/30/2024: concept approval
10/8/2024: receipt of concept approval
10/29/2024: RaPID meeting scheduled for 11/8/2024
11/8/2024: PRC
11/21/2024: updated draft sent to SDMC for PRC
11/27/2024: PRC
12/2/2024: received study chair post-PRC edits
12/16/2024: protocol CTEP submission
2/3/2025: Received Consensus Review and forwarded to study team
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Randomized Phase III Study of Second-Line Chemotherapy with or without Panitumumab for Locally Advanced or Metastatic KRAS Wild Type Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 04/01/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 06/10/2024 
Target Date: 04/11/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 01/06/2026 
Progress: 239 of 270 days

Current Status:
11/1/23 - Preliminary meeting with Amgen
4/1/24 - Approved by SWOG Executive Committee and awarded # S2433.
5/3/24 - Study Team Kick off meeting
6/10/24 - Submitted concept to GISC
6/14/24 - F&F Call
6/14/24- Received PRO Core feedback.
6/26/24 - KOC with Amgen
7/15/24 - Review by GISC - Outcome is pending, with comments to address.
8/12/24 - Meeting with NCI to discuss feedback.
8/30/24 - Concept resubmitted.
9/16/24- final GISC review.
10/07/24 - GISC Approval of concept.
10/17/24 - Meeting with Vonda from Amgen to discuss updates to study design/timeline
10/24/24 - Touch base Call with Amgen
11/07/24 - Initiate Study Team Calls
12/04/24 - RaPID Call
01/03/25 - Final PRC Draft circulated
01/08/25 - Stats PRC
01/23/25 - Received review comments from Amgen
01/28/25 - Resubmitted Protocol to Amgen
02/3/2025 - Initial Protocol Submission to PIO
2/26/2025 - Received Consensus Review Comments from CTEP
3/4/2025 - Meeting with NCI to discuss comments
Genitourinary Cancer
Phase II/III Double Blinded Trial of Immune-Based Therapy with a Live Biotherapeutic CBM588, or Placebo for Frontline Therapy of Advanced Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (BioFront Trial)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 11/27/2023 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 07/26/2024 
Target Date: 06/15/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 03/12/2026 
Progress: 174 of 270 days

Current Status:
11/27/23: Concept approved by triage. Currently scheduling risk assessment and F&F calls. Plan to schedule kickoff call with Osel (pharma co) after F&F call is complete.

Risk assessment occurred 12/8. F&F occurred 12/18.

Plan to submit to GUSC by 7/26 for the September review date. Scheduling kickoff call with Osel before then (CBM588, SWOG-held IND, placebo controlled live bacteria)

Following up on action items from kickoff call with Osel (6/17), and plan to send draft budget for registration trial for their review. Plan to submit to GUSC by 7/26 for the September review date.

Osel wants to pursue registrational intent with the FDA for this trial. Concept submitted to GUSC on 7/26 for 9/18 review date.

Concept reviewed by GUSC on 9/18. Pending decision received 10/7. Resubmitting on 11/6 for the 11/20 GUSC review date.

Reviewed on 11/20. Pending final outcome.

Approved by GUSC on 12/10. Working protocol draft circulated, scheduling RaPID.

RaPID scheduled for 3/6. Osel meeting held 2/3 to discuss FDA activities. Planning future call with FDA to discuss regulatory package. McKesson will do labeling for CBM588 drug and placebo.

RaPID scheduled for 3/6. FDA meeting materials submitted 3/3 for late March meeting request. Blinded independent Centralized Review (BICR) discussions with IROC/imaging committee/FDA.
Bladder preservation with immunoradiotherapy after a clinically meaningful response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer (BRIGHT)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 02/05/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 05/28/2024 
Target Date: 01/13/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 10/10/2025 
Progress: 237 of 180 days

Current Status:
Triage approved 2/5/2024.

Risk assessment occurred 3/22.

F&F call occurred 4/22.

Study team updating concept. IROC RI reviewing concept and Merck support confirmed (CTEP-held IND). 5/29 submission to GUSC for 6/26 review date.

Concept submitted to GUSC for 6/26 review date. Placeholder on calendar for internal discussion about steering committee questions and run through of slides for GUSC on 6/25.

GUSC reviewed concept on 6/26. Pending response.

Received a "pending" decision on 7/17. Study team will respond to major comments and update concept by 8/7 for 8/21 GUSC review. Study will continue to be on the OEWG timeline for the original review date (6/26).

GUSC re-reviewed concept and responses to major comments on 8/21 call. Awaiting decision.

GUSC approved concept 9/5. Awaiting drug commitment from Merck (CTEP CRADA). Drafting protocol and RaPID call scheduled for 11/6.

MERCK committed to supplying drug on 10/19.

PRC scheduled for 01/29/25. Editing post-PRC, planned 1st submission to CTEP end of Feb/early March.

Planned submission to CTEP by 3/10/25. Will submit ask for Streck tubes to Merck at time of protocol submission (CTEP-held IND). Pending consistency check from Dana.
A Phase I/II study of TP-3654 in Combination with Decitabine for Myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm overlap syndromes (MDS/MPNs) and Accelerated- or Blast-Phase MPNs (MPN-AP/BP)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 08/19/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 02/25/2025 

Current Status:
08/19/2024: Capsule Approved by Triage.
09/06/2024: Internal Study Team Call scheduled, Pharma kick-off call and F&F pending scheduling.
10/01/2024: Pharma Kick-off Call with Sumitomo scheduled.
10/31/2024: Risk Assessment completed.
11/19/2024: F&F call occurred.
12/11/2024: Concept finalized.
01/24/2025: Sumitomo letter of support obtained. Feedback on Concept received and responses sent.
02/25/2025: Submitted to LKSC; may be reviewed by PRC.
03/13/2025: Scheduled for PRC Review.

A Randomized Phase III Study of Pirtobrutinib plus R-CHOP vs. R-CHOP for Patients with Previously Untreated Richter Transformation (RT)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 01/08/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 09/13/2024 
Target Date: 08/05/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 05/02/2026 
Progress: 123 of 270 days

Current Status:
Aiming for early April CTEP submission.
Stats PRC scheduled for 3/19/25.
F/u RaPID: 3/3/25
RaPID: 1/24/25
Protocol first draft sent 12/17/24.
Concept approval 12/5/2024.
S2504 concept submitted 9/13. Reviewed by LYSC on 11/08.
S2421 concept was withdrawn, edits made, new study # is S2504.
NCI Teleconference: 7/29.
Major comments received from LYSC on 7/10/24. Will need to revise and resubmit for
August or September LYSC meeting.
06/14/2024: LYSC review.
06/03/2024: Verified that concept will remain under the Leukemia Committee at SWOG but will be reviewed by the LYSC.
05/06/2024: Notified of 6/14 LYSC review, reached out to clarify that it should be LKSC, pending response.
04/29/2024: Submitted to LKSC
04/24/2024: Kick-off call with Eli Lilly
03/26/2024: F&F call.
03/12/2024: PROCore Review & recommendations submitted.
03/05/2024: PRO proposal submitted for March review.
03/05/2024: Risk Assessment.
02/09/2024: Internal Study Team Meeting.
01/22/2024: Triage approval letter received.

A Phase II Randomized Study of Blinatumomab with or without Revumenib for Patients with KMT2Ar B-ALL with persistent measurable residual disease (MRD)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 04/22/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 02/04/2025 

Current Status:
02/07/2023: Capsule approved by Triage.
02/28/2023: Risk assessment completed.
03/06/2023: F&F occurred.
03/28/2023: LKSC submission pending further study edits, COG review, and ALL working group meeting.
07/17/2023: TM capsule triage review.
07/26/2023: TM capsule triage approved.
07/31/2023: Study chairs working funding for TM and COG is reviewing capsules.
8/29/2023: LKSC submission.
09/21/2023: CTEP PRC occurred, awaiting consensus review.
10/16/2023: NCI OEWG call scheduled.
10/16/2023: NCI OEWG call cancelled, pending rescheduled date.
10/23/2023: NCI OEWG call occurred, LKSC submission withdrawn.
01/04/2024: Re-design sent COG for formal Scientific Council and Developmental Therapeutics Committee review. Also sent to EO for determination of need for Triage re-review.
01/25/2024: COG Scientific Council Review received, still pending Developmental Therapeutics Committee Review.
02/22/2024: COG Developmental Therapeutics Committee Review received. Study team is working through edits and responses.
02/29/2024: Awaiting triage submission approvals.
04/22/2024: Undergoing triage review.
04/22/2024: Assigned new study number of S2434.
05/02/2024: Pending internal study team kick-off call.
05/22/2024: Internal study team kick-off call.
07/01/2024: Pharma Kick-Off call with Syndax scheduled.
07/22/2024: Pharma Kick-Off call with Amgen scheduled.
07/29/2024: F&F Call occurred, study team is making modifications to the LOI, blinatumomab will now be be CIV only and commercially supplied. Accrual has changed to 52.
08/27/2024: LOI submitted to LKSC.
10/10/2024: LOI reviewed by PRC.
10/29/2024: CTEP Review on Hold pending response to comments and NCI conference call.
11/12/2024: NCI teleconference call occurred.
11/20/2024: LOI Withdrawn from CTEP.
01/03/2025: Re-design finalized.
01/27/2025: Presented at Triage by Dr. O'Brien as an FYI. Reassigned new study number S2507.
02/04/2025: Concept submitted to LKSC.

Lung Cancer
PRISM: PRecIsion in SCLC via a Multicohort Study: Randomized Phase II studies evaluating maintenance Durvalumab with or without Biomarker-Directed Therapy for Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (ES-SCLC)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 07/12/2023 
Target Date: 06/11/2024 
Drop Dead Date: 03/08/2025 
Progress: 453 of 180 days

Current Status:
2/26/25: Pre-Activation Revision Submission
2/3/25: Meeting with SWOG/AZ/McKesson to discuss logistics in preparation to activation
1/13/25: Submission of FDA and CIRB responses protocol versions to AZ for their review
1/10/25: CIRB Responses Submission
1/6/25: FDA Responses Submission
11/15/24: Follow Up Responses to CTEP Submission
10/30/24: Received Follow Up Comments from CTEP
10/14/24: Responses to CTEP Consensus Review and Protocol Submission
9/11/24: NCI Teleconference to discuss Consensus Review
8/30/24: Distributed NCI Consensus Review Comments
8/1/24: Initial Protocol CTEP Submission
7/10/24: Stats PRC Review
6/10/24:RaPID #2
5/22/24: RaPID #1
4/12/24: AZ provided a letter of support
2/22/24: AZ global review
2/22/24: BIQSFP Disapproval
12/14/23: TMSC Approval
10/30/23: F&F Call
9/21/23: TMSC concept/ BIQSFP submission deadline for October TMSC review date
7/12/23: Exec. Committee/Triage approved

New OEWG Absolute Deadline to Activate – 9/12/25
INcorporating pathologic reSponse in patIents with early staGe lung cancer to optimize immunotHerapy in the adjuvanT setting (INSIGHT)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 08/21/2023 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 08/24/2023 
Target Date: 06/17/2024 
Drop Dead Date: 03/14/2025 
Progress: 537 of 270 days

Current Status:
Drop Dead: March 14, 2025
Target Activation: 3/10/2025

02/26/25: CIRB approval
02/25/25: AZ supplemental Contract executed
02/14/25: Pre-activation submitted
01/30 and 01/31/25: Received FDA Comments, due 2/4/25
01/30/25: CIRB Approval
01/21/25: Submitted CIRB Responses
01/09/25: Received CIRB comments
01/02/25: CIRB Call took place
12/15/24: CIRB Application submitted
12/11/24: CTEP Appoval on Hold
11/27/24: CTEP 3rd Responses Submitted
11/15/24: Received CTEP 3rd Consenus Review Comments
11/05/24: CTEP is reviewing AZ comments. Study team is following up weekly.
10/01/24: CTEP/AZ requesting a call to discuss comments
09/03/24: Pending CTEP response
08/08/24: CTEP 2nd Responses Submission
07/18/24: Received 2nd CTEP Consensus Review
06/06/24: CTEP Responses Submitted
04/25/24: Received CTEP Consensus Review
03/28/24: CTEP initial protocol submission
02/21/24: Stats PRC; Comments are being incorporated
02/09/24: Call with Nationwide on the TM proposal logistics and budgeting
02/06/24: Rapid is scheduled
01/09/24: Discussion with CTEP/AZ on stats design
11/10/23: Second F&F Call scheduled
11/05/23: First draft of the protocol circulated
10/27/23: First F&F call conducted
10/13/23: Received Concept Approval
10/03/23: Pending TSMC review
09/05/23: Concept is scheduled for a 9/21/23 TMSC Review
08/21/23: SWOG Triage Approved
A randomized phase II study of atezolizumab and JBI-802 versus investigators choice of standard of care for second or third line treatment of extensive stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 07/24/2023 

Current Status:
1/31/25: Sent study team the updated Version 4.3 concept form for them to fill out and review
1/17/25: Internal meeting to discuss next steps
11/8/24: Meeting with Jubilant and Dr. Starodub, who shared insights on his experience with the drug and protocol.
8/26/24: Exec. Cmte/ Triage Approved

Note: Formally, S2410 concept was disapproved by CTEP due to drug company support withdrawal. Concerns have been raised regarding proceeding with the lowest dose, where adverse events were not observed. Study team has decided to move forward with study.

A Randomized Phase II Study of Casdozokitug with or without Toripalimab in Participants with Previously Treated Relapsed or Refractory Advanced Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (NRG Lung-MAP Non-match Sub-Study)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 12/11/2024 

Current Status:
3/4/2025 - Concept under development.
1/16/2025 - Kick-off calls; Internal 2/5, Admin 2/6, and Scientific 2/7.
1/6/2025 - Kick-off meeting scheduling in progress.
DSC Approved on 12/11/2024
A Randomized Phase II Study of Sacituzumab Govitecan alone, Ivonescimab alone, or Sacituzumab Govitecan and Ivonescimab in Participants with Previously-Treated Actionable Genomic Alteration Positive Stage IV or Recurrent Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (Lung-MAP Sub-Study)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 07/15/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 01/24/2025 
Target Date: 08/12/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 05/09/2026 
Progress: 26 of 180 days

Current Status:
Absolute Deadline: 5/9/2026

3/4/2025 - NCI call held on 3/3 to discuss protocol stipulations. Protocol development underway. First draft to study team expected by 3/7.
2/25/2025 - Concept Approval On-Hold given from CTEP on 2/25.
2/13/2025 - CTEP consensus review held on 2/13.

1/29/2025 - F&F held on 1/22. Stats PRC held on 1/15. Concept submitted to CTEP on 1/24. Protocol development starting while concept review pending.
1/6/2025 - Met with collaborators on 12/19. NCI Pre-Look meeting held on 12/23. Call with collaborators planned for 1/9. Stats PRC scheduled for 1/15. F&F scheduling in progress. Official concept submission goal of 1/24.
12/2/2024 - CTEP Pre-Look comments received on 11/21. ST met on 11/25 to discuss and are currently updating concept. Collaborators updated on 11/25 that ST is reviewing.
11/4/2024 - ST incorporated Sponsor feedback and concept submitted for CTEP Pre-Look on 10/28. CTEP response expected mid-November. Internal risk assessment planned on 11/6. Gilead's main concerns: Timeline and budget. Summit's main concerns: data outcome for Ivonescimab.
10/23/2024 - Summit proposed change to a 3-arm design that includes an Ivo-only arm. Study Team discussed with Gilead/Summit and has sent them the new concept design for review on 10/22.
9/30/2024 - Concept draft submitted for pharma review on 9/13. Study Team working on Gilead's review comments and awaiting Summit's review.
8/30/2024 - Internal Kick off Call held 8/30. Concept draft still in development with Study Team.
8/14/2024 - Concept draft expected by 8/31 from study team.
8/5/2024 - Admin Kick-Off call held on 8/5 with both Gilead and Summit. Scientific Kick-off call scheduled for 8/9. Internal call for Concept development scheduled for 8/8.
7/30/2024 - Admin Kick-Off Call scheduled for 8/5. Scientific Kick-Off Call scheduled for 8/9.
7/22/2024 - Study Chair Welcome Letters were sent out on 7/18. Planner group has been set up and shared.

DSC approved: 7/15/2024

MOZART MZL: A Randomized Phase II Study with a Common Control Arm of Mosunetuzumab Monotherapy Evaluated Against Two Experimental Treatment Arms of Either Combination Mosunetuzumab and Zanubrutinib or Mosunetuzumab and Polatuzumab Vedotin for the Treatment of Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Marginal Zone Lymphoma
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 12/23/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 02/14/2025 

Current Status:
2/14/2025: Concept submitted
1/20/2025: Risk Assessment:
12/23/2024: Triage approved
Randomized, open-label, phase III study of anti-PD-1, anti-CTLA-4, and anti-LAG-3 antibodies in patients with previously untreated unresectable or metastatic melanoma
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 03/26/2024 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 08/09/2024 
Target Date: 07/15/2025 
Drop Dead Date: 04/11/2026 
Progress: 144 of 270 days

Current Status:
01/21/205: Concept AOH, pending BMS approval
12/24/24: Concept resubmitted to CTEP
11/15/24: Meeting with CTEP; study team working on finalizing responses and updates to submit by end of week (12/6)
10/18/24: CTEP approval pending modifications
10/1/2024: CTEP will review on 10/16
8/9/2024: Concept submitted to CTEP
8/6/2024: Concept sent to committee leadership for approval
7/2/2024: Finishing up concept; goal to submit to CTEP this week
6/4/2024: We determined to submit the concept to CTEP under the assumption that CTEP will still be the IND holder and let them make the final determination themselves since it will otherwise pretty difficult to get the investigative dose covered commercially.
5/7/2024: Drug supply discussions pending, team checking status of BMS support for nivolumab-- F&F invite to be sent for May 20th.
Phase II Study of Optimal Induction and MRD Driven Maintenance Therapy for Patients with Newly Diagnosed High-Risk Multiple Myeloma (HRMM)
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 02/25/2025 

Current Status:
02/25/2025: Capsule approved by Triage.
02/25/2025: Internal Study Team Kick off call scheduling pending.
A Randomized Phase 2 trial of C-DEC, venetoclax, and enasidenib compared with azacitidine and venetoclax for newly diagnosed older adults with IDH2 mutant AML: A myeloMATCH treatment trial
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 09/23/2022 
Concept or Lol submit to NCI: 01/31/2023 
Target Date: 11/25/2023 
Drop Dead Date: 05/23/2024 
Progress: 742 of 270 days

Current Status:
Pre-activation revision #1 under review.
CTEP approval on hold 2/27. RRA for ASTX727 required.
2nd round of FDA comments submitted 2/18/25.
CIRB approval 1/30/2025.
CTEP comments rec'd 1/8. Resub 1/15.
CIRB approval rec'd 12/9/24.
FDA review comments rec'd 11/27. Edits due EOB 12/10.
CIRB comments rec'd 11/14. Resub 11/21.
CTEP AOH 10/23. CIRB Initial App 10/24 for 11/7 CIRB review.
CTEP comments rec'd 9/27. Resubmitted 10/11.
CTEP comments rec'd 8/30. Protocol resubmited to CTEP 9/13. Aiming for October CIRB review.
Protocol resubmitted to CTEP 8/12.
CTEP comments rec'd 7/29/24. Resubmission due 8/12 (2 weeks).
Minor edits resubmitted 7/10/24. Under CTEP review.
CTEP resubmission 6/18/24.
NCI Teleconference 3/5/24.
Consensus review comments received 2/6/24.
Initial CTEP Protocol submisssion 12/07/23.
Study team call 12/05.
PRC 9/20/23. Edits sent to team 9/26.
RaPID 8/8/23.
6/7/2023: LKSC concept approval
Scheduling RaPID week of 7/24.
1st draft protocol edits under review 6/6/23.
3/31/23: NCI Teleconference for concept
3/8/23: Concept approval-on-hold (awaiting drug commitments)
2/28/2023: LKSC review.
01/30/2023: LKSC submission
11/01/2022: F&F occurred.
10/06/2022: Risk Assessment Scheduled.
09/23/2022: Capsule triage approved.

Palliative and End of Life Care Committee
Distress Screening for Family Caregivers of Persons with Advanced Cancer: The FamilySTRONG Randomized Clinical Trial
Capsule Summary Approval Date:  

Current Status:
8/25/2023 - Mini F&F Call.
9/12/2023 - Triage approved. Assigned SWOG #S2418
10/15/2023 - R01 Submitted by Dr. Odom's Institution.
2/26/2024 - The R01 score is not fundable (21st percentile). Will resubmit.
5/1/2024 - Executive Officer notified DCP of re submission - approved to move forward.
7/5/2024 - R01 resubmitted by Dr Odom and UAB
10/17/2024 - Pre launch Meeting in Chicago
11/26/2024 Scientific Review - Summary statements have been received, highlighting concerns regarding the lack of preliminary efficacy data and the feasibility of the trial within the SWOG Network. Next steps will be discussed over the coming month.
01/2025 Council Review

Telehealth Intervention for personalized Self-Management (TIPS) for Eating after Gastroesophageal Cancer Surgery
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 01/22/2024 

Current Status:
01/22/2024 Triage approval received.
02/05/2024 R01 submitted.
06/2024 The R01 was reviewed and scored with an impact score of 29 (14th percentile)
11/05/2024 R01 resubmitted
Molecular assessment and identification of ctDNA and optimizing treatment for HR-positive, Her2-negative metastatic breast cancer
Capsule Summary Approval Date:  

Current Status:
03/04/25: CTP ERC has approved concept, and pending startup agreement execution.
02/04/25: Study Team is working on the updated CTP ERC responses.
01/07/25: Submitted the responses to the CTP ERC on 12/12/24.
12/03/24: The study team is working on CTP ERC responses.
11/01/24: The study team is working on CTP ERC responses.
10/01/24: Received CTP ERC Capsule Outcome Review Letter on 09/23/24. The study team is working on responses.
09/03/24: CTP ERC reviewed the concept on 8/20, pending ERC review letter.
08/06/24: The capsule will be presented to CTP ERC on 8/20 for their review.
07/01/24: The updated capsule and budget have been submitted to AZ. The study team is pending approval of the capsule/budget and ERC approval.
06/04/24: The updated capsule and budget have been submitted to AZ. The study team is pending approval of the capsule/budget and ERC approval.
05/07/24: Negotiation discussions are ongoing with one of the collaborators (AZ). The study team is pending collaborator approval of the capsule and ERC approval.
Phase I/II Study of Amivantamab carboPlatin and pacliTaxel in recurrent metastatic Head and Neck cancer (APT-HN) Study Synopsis
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 12/01/2022 

Current Status:
03/04/25: Pending CTP ERC Review responses.
02/04/25: CTP ERC review for study documents schedule for 2/18.
01/07/25: Updating post PRC comments.
12/03/24: Stats PRC review is scheduled for Wednesday, December 18th.
11/01/24: RAPID Call is scheduled for Friday, November 15, 2024. Invite has been circulated.
10/01/24: Finalizing the pending contract execution before protocol development.
09/03/24: No new updates. Pending contract execution before protocol development.
08/06/24: No new updates. Pending contract execution before protocol development.
07/01/24: No new updates. Pending contract execution before protocol development.
06/04/24: No new updates. Pending contract execution before protocol development.
05/04/24: No new updates. Pending contract execution before protocol development.
03/05/24: No new updates. Pending contract execution before protocol development.
02/06/24: Pending contract execution before protocol development.
01/09/24: Pending contract execution before protocol development.
12/01/22: Capsule approved by ERC.
A Phase II Trial of Asciminib, Dasatinib, Prednisone, and Blinatumomab for Patients with Newly Diagnosed Philadelphia Chromosome Positive (Ph+) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 02/20/2023 

Current Status:
03/04/25- WCG IRB has approved study documents. Targeting the beginning of Q2 2025 activation.
02/04/25- WCG IRB is reviewing study documents. Targeting the beginning of Q2 2025 activation.
01/07/25- Submitting to the WCG IRB. Targeting end of Q1 2025 activation.
12/03/24- Awaiting to hear back from FDA, then will submit to WCG IRB. Targeting end of Q1 2025 activation.
11/01/24- Pre-Activation Revision #2 is under internal review.
10/01/24- Currently working on Pre-Activation Revision #2.
09/03/24- FDA review comments responses submitted; updated protocol will be re-submitted by 9/9.
08/06/24- Study team received Approval on hold letter on 7.29.24. Currently working on Pre-Activation Revision #1. Site Selection letters have been sent out.
07/01/24- Study team working on CTP Executive Review Responses.
06/01/24- Waiting for CTP Executive Review Responses
5/21/24- CTP Executive Review Committee
4/17/24- PRC Stats Review
03/22/24- 2nd RAPID Call scheduled
02/16/24- RAPID Call scheduled
01/01/24- Working on First Draft Protocol
12/08/23- Contract Execution- 12/08/23
02/20/23- SWOG CTP Executive Review Committee (ERC approved capsule

Symptom Control and Quality of Life
Acupuncture to decrease symptom burden in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 09/11/2023 

Current Status:
10/17/24: R01 was reviewed (Score 31, Percentile: 15.0)
6/4/24: R01 Resubmission
10/5/23: R01 Submission
9/11/23: Triage as FYI
8/16/23: Stats PRC

Close to fundable, but likely requires NCI advocacy to secure funding. Study chair will await NCI comments expected late November 2024 (~6 weeks). Potential resubmission in February 2025. The study has been moved to the Palliative and End of Life Committee but will remain under the Symptom Management & Survivorship Committee until the R01 is approved.
Testing the Fatigue Reduction Diet in People with Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial, The GUIDE Study
Capsule Summary Approval Date: 01/22/2024 

Current Status:
Study introduction call w/ Pat Mize occurred 11/6/23

PRC occurred 12/21/23 and comments were sent back to the study team

PRO Core team will reviewed 1/9/24 .Comments back to team 1/12/24

New DCP leadership reviewed docs on 1/12 and approved to move forward

Pat Mize confirmed that a mini F&F was not needed.

Triage reviewed informally on 1/22/24. Aiming for early Feb R01 submission.

R01 submitted early Feb. R01 being reviewed 6/6-6/7.

Study team plans to resubmit in November 2024 depending on summary statements from review. Scored 38, 36th percentile

Call scheduled w/ NCI leadership on 10/11 to address summary statement concerns. On track to resubmit the R01 this month.

R01 resubmitted in November. Review will occur in February.

Resubmission was reviewed in February. Scored 36, 30th percentile (unlikely to be funded). Study team waiting on summary statements and considering other funding sources.
Phase III Trial of an App-delivered Sleep Coaching Intervention in Post-Treatment Survivors of Diverse Cancers and their Bedroom Partners
Capsule Summary Approval Date:  

Current Status:
**R01 SUBMISSION for June 2024**

PRC review 5/8.

PRO Core team reviewed 5/14.

Triage informally approved on 5/13. Pat Mize determined no need for mini F&F.

R01 submitted June 5th. Response expected Q4 of 2024.

Reassigned to a special panel that will meet on 11/21. Initial result expected soon after and comments expected late December.

11/22/24: Received an impact score of 34, 19th percentile. Waiting on summary statement before resubmission.

01/08/25: Summary statements received. Planned resubmission for July 2025.

01/21/25: Study team call to re-group. Targeting aims submission to DCP beginning of March and 7/5/25 resubmission for R01.